Essex Junction City Council Candidate
Economic Development
This is key to Essex Junction's future. For our community to grow, be attractive to new residents, and attract non-residents to spend more, we must focus on economic development.
We must engage in conversation on our vision for this community and what it would take to move toward that vision. As Councilor, I will make sure we are having those conversations with residents, business leaders, and developers to see what is possible and help pave the way for future development.
Areas of focus:
Affordable housing for low income residents and first time home buyers
The Five Corners area and the development of this as a hub of activity for residents and visitors.
Improvements along the Pearl Street corridor as a destination of commerce.
Deep dive into cannabis businesses to better understand state law and how we apply it locally - fairly for both business and our community at large.
Public Safety
The City remains in a contractual relationship with the Essex Police Department and the Town of Essex for its services. That contract needs to be monitored to ensure that the City is having its needs met. While we are supportive of the Essex Police Department, we need to be confident that policing is done fairly across our communities. The City should not feel as though this department is favoring one community over another. The Essex Police department is a highly regarded institution, and I want to ensure that the department is doing the training, patrolling, and managing of our services at the highest level with integrity, equality, and fairness.
Areas of focus: ​​
Traffic Safety – Several community members have expressed concern that neighborhood patrols have dipped in recent years. I want to have those conversations and make sure we are maintaining safe streets.
Theft – We have seen more thefts around property crime (car break-ins, property theft, vandalism, etc.). We need to work with Essex PD to understand why we are seeing this increase and what we as a City can do to reduce this activity.
Drug activity – We do not want illegal drugs on our streets. However, recognizing the enormity of resources needed, we must engage in a dialogue with the Chief, substance abuse experts and the community to understand how illegal drugs impact public safety and whether we need additional resources to meet the need.
Essex Rescue – This necessary service has been impacted by increasing costs and we as a member community must absorb that or we must find an alternative. Essex Rescue has done a valuable and admirable service, but we as a community need to be more engaged so that we can work with Essex Rescue on issues before they become just another increase in our budget.
The Future
The City was recently formed after a long and difficult road. It is now time to create the vision for the future. I want to create a more engaged government that uses the community momentum to mold our future City. Any issues we have need to be addressed collectively with our community. As Councilor, I want to help create more ways for the community to be engaged with creating that future.
Areas of focus:
Essex Junction Recreation and Parks and Senior Center – we need to have a full-throated conversation around the services we provide and want to provide as our Rec and Parks has grown tremendously. You should be part of the discussion on how we serve residents from kids to seniors. How do we make sure that our most vulnerable are taken care of, and provide parental support so our city’s kids stay safe? How do we make it available to all our residents so that no one is turned away for any reason?
Bike and Walk – This community is less than 5 square miles. We should and can improve our city to become more accessible for everyone. Our Bike and Walk committee is doing a fabulous job of researching what we need. I want to amplify and support their work around transportation and accessibility.